
SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics Logo

Why choose SkinPen® microneedling?

  • SkinPen® rejuvenates from the inside out for younger looking skin.

  • SkinPen® is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device.

  • SkinPen® is proven safe and effective, delivering results that last up to six months.

  • SkinPen® is a quick-and-easy treatment with little to no downtime.

  • SkinPen® is proven to improve the appearance of acne scars and wrinkles.


Before and After Acne Scar 4 treatment from SkinPen

How it works:

SkinPen® is a prescription only treatment which creates micro-channels (microscopic holes) at a rate of 1600 per second. These wounds stimulate your skin, kicking its healing process into high gear. The SkinPen treatment works in three simple steps, designed to activate the skin’s natural healing process. Following each session, the skin begins to heal itself, looking more renewed and rejuvenated over time. SkinPen is only used in professional settings and delivers dramatic results. Best of all, SkinPen® doesn’t rely on heat or chemicals, so the results are natural and safe for all skin tones and types.

1: Inflammation

SkinPen's microneedles pierce the skin, triggering your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and begin to create new tissue.

2: Proliferation

The micro-wounds created by SkinPen are rebuilt with new granulation cells that include collagen proteins. Additionally a new network of blood vessels develops.

3. Remodeling

Remodeling the wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels which are comprised of rich collagen and elastin proteins. These proteins improve skin youthfulness.

SkinPen® Precision by Crown Aesthetics is the first FDA-cleared device clinically proven to improve the appearance of wrinkles of the neck and facial acne scars for people aged 22 and above.

Procedures take about 30 minutes, depending on the area treated and the desired results. Due to their non-invasive nature, microneedling sessions usually require little downtime for patients. Find out why patients love the benefits provided by SkinPen.

See the impressive results shown in the before-and-after gallery.

SkinPen Paient Brochure-page 2


For optimal results we recommend a series of 3 treatments.

Single Session


Package of 3


Ready to get started? Contact Us or Schedule Online Today